What I wish I was doing right now…

Hunting for mulberries in the tree with Carl.  Or maybe…

Eating dinner outside with the family.  But maybe with the heat, we’d rather be….

Swimming in the pool!

Soon we will be doing these things together (well, except for the mulberries!) in Bowling Green!  With a side of….

Mammoth Cave National Park.  And….

A little bit of Nashville.  Humorous Thinker and Carl get to see a little…

While Perpetual Motion Boy, Miss Imagination, and I do a little…


Who knows what more fun we have in store for us!  Only a little bit more until I get to…

Kiss these sweet faces again.  I can’t wait!







  1. #1 by Amy O on July 21, 2011 - 10:46 am

    Have a great time on your visits to Nashville and Mammoth Cave. It is great to see your family everyday at RECESS, but I know they are ready for you to be home!! Hope the rest of boot camp goes quickly!!

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